.. :changelog: Changelog --------- v0.3.2b (2012-05-21) ++++++++++++++++++++ * replaced mutable default argument list() in ListBlob with the proper idiom v0.3.1b (2012-05-10) ++++++++++++++++++++ * fixed ImportError during installation v0.3.0b (2012-05-07) ++++++++++++++++++++ * added api_type='json' to all POST data * Reddit.post() now returns a (json) dict instead of requests.Response object. * all POST methods that originally returned a requests.Response object now return something different. See the docs for more details. * Listing.next_listing() now works with comment listings * fixed Reddit.submit_link() and Reddit.submit_text() * fixed Reddit.distinguish() * fixed Reddit.flairlist() and Reddit.flair() * added Reddit.by_id() * added Subreddit.flairlist(), Subreddit.flair(), and Subreddit.flaircsv() * changed PostError.errors to return error list exactly as returned by reddit * renamed relative_url to reddit_url and made it work nicely with absolute URLs * added Link.refresh() and Message.refresh() * removed Reddit.hide_message() and Reddit.unhide_message() * added limit kwarg to Reddit.moderators() and Reddit.contributors() * added types 6=link, 7=message to work with local reddit instance * added extensive test coverage for the reddit module * fixed several doc errors v0.2.6a (2012-04-28) ++++++++++++++++++++ * added Reddit.user_overview() * attempting to "load more comments" via Listing.more() or .next_listing() now raises UnsupportedError() v0.2.5a (2012-04-24) ++++++++++++++++++++ * added limit parameter to Reddit.info() * changed Reddit._subreddit_get() parameter order and removed default values * fixed default value for items in ListBlob to be list() instead of [] * added list methods to ListBlob * fixed Thing.__unicode__() to always return a string (u'' instead of None) * added utf-8 coding declaration to source files * more tests v0.2.4a (2012-04-23) ++++++++++++++++++++ * automatically un-html-escape unicode chars * fixed ValueError due to zero length fields when string formatting in older versions of Python (thanks staticsafe) v0.2.3a (2012-04-21) ++++++++++++++++++++ * hotfix: default Reddit._username to None v0.2.2a (2012-04-20) ++++++++++++++++++++ * hotfix: /api/delete -> /api/del v0.2.1a (2012-04-20) ++++++++++++++++++++ * fixed Listing.has_more() * made util functions more robust * moved saving of username until successful login * moved decorators outside of Reddit class for easier testing * added some tests v0.2.0a (2012-04-18) ++++++++++++++++++++ * added Reddit.edit() and Commentable.edit() * added Reddit.distinguish() and Commentable.distinguish() * refactored .comments(), .remove(), and .delete() into Commentable * refactored .hide() and .unhide() into Hideable (subclassed by Link, Message) * refactored .report() into Reportable (subclassed by Link, Comment, Message) * changed Comment.permalink to return relative path * added useful __repr__ for Reddit * removed debugging print statement from Reddit.comment * changed urljoin and relative_url to return unicode strings